PoliSterilTM PLUS is a complete kit to disinfect invasive and non invasive surgical instruments, including a top quality Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM disinfectant suitable for Medical device disinfection, tools such as the SterilScreenTM wipe, the ozonizer Ozone TherapyTM, the manual probe washer or a basin for surgical instrument treatment.
Such products are suitable for the device disinfection, such as sensitive, heat-sensitive endoscopes. The medical device disinfection can be carried out through the direct immersion in the disinfectant before washing or after disassembling of the re-usable instrument. PoliSterilTM PLUS, in comparison to other kits, provides for accessories easing the use of the disinfectant solution in the manual probe washer or a basin for surgical instrument treatment. The disinfectant solution consists of ozonised water, which besides exhibiting a higher biocide activity; it allows to get the best possible results in the shortest time period while complying the material sensitivity.
Hereinafter annexed a short description of the PoliSterilTM PLUS kit components.
Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM
The top quality Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM disinfectant, manufactured by the multinational company Du PontTM, hold sodium percarbonate and TAED (Tetra Acetyl Ethylene Diammine). It produces a peracetic acid water solution, which in balance with hydrogen peroxide, produces AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) thanks to the synergy between H2O2 and zone. The oxidising effect supports the high biocide power of each ingredient once associated.
Detergent-decontaminating SterilScreenTM wipes are effective to clean sensitive surfaces. The product consists of two wipes, the first holding PHMB (polyhexamethylene biguanide), Benzalkonium Chloride, the second a dry wipe and both treated under gamma rays. The active ingredients provide for a bactericide and fungicide activity in a few minutes. As they do not hold alcohol make them suitable to use on PC monitor and LCD devices but also on probe handpieces.
Ozono TherapyTM
Released through the Ozono TherapyTM ozonizer, included in the kit: through a corona discharge the ozone is conveyed through a tap thanks to a manifold and it is mixed with the mains water through a Venturi adapter. Ozonized water becomes the best vehicle to reconstitute disinfectants holding potassium peroxymonosulfate and TAED thus increasing its biocide efficacy.
Manual probe washer
Container with two polycarbonate tubular units once destined to the probe disinfection and the other to its rinsing.
Capacity: about 3 litres per unit. Different capacities available on request.
Instrument washing unit
Unit fitted with a transparent cover, destined to the surgical and dental tool immersion. 3 litre capacity.
PoliSterilTM PLUS is destined to the top quality disinfection of medical invasive and non invasive instruments, surgical probes and devices.
The suitable supplied accessories provide for the best safe reconstruction of the suggested disinfectant solution thus making the product unique in itself and suitable for the most demanding operators.
The best application sectors are:
Reconstitute Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM in ozonised water (after mixing the ozone produced by Ozono TherapyTM in the mains water), 16.2g powder in 1 litre water.
The solution is to be prepared in a tubular basin consecrated to the probe washer or in the basin where to plunge the instruments to be disinfected.
Once obtained the reconstituted PoliSterilTM solution (Rely+OnTM PerasafeTM + ozonised water), becomes blue when activated then the colour progressively disappears, while it remains effective for 24 hours or 20 cycles in any endoscope washing machine.